My Rain Soul Story

My Rain Soul Story

My Rain Soul Story

Pleased to Introduce myself

My name is Mike Fahey and I want to thank you for visiting my blog. I am honored to share my Rain International journey with you and look forward to helping you create your own.

How it all Started

In early 2014 I was at a convention for a different company and was staying at a friend house. As I was putting away my vitamins and supplements my friend said I know your really into natural health products, you have got to try this product I found, it’s amazing!

My friend isn’t much of a health nut so I was kinda like sure. He later again spoke of it so I was curious where he found it and what results he was experiencing. He was working on installing flooring at Rain International’s new home office and as he was slow to get up due to knee and shoulder pain.One of the corporate staff members gave him a box of Rain Soul.

When I arrived he had been using it for a few weeks and said his knee and shoulder pain was almost gone. He could’t believe it, he has tried many things over the years and has never found something that worked this well. He said I don’t sell it but you should check it out. My wife secretly swapped out some of my supplements for the Soul. She likes to say I stole Jeff’s Soul Lol!

My History

I worked in the automotive industry for 25 plus years and developed migraines, knee pain and back pain as the years past. I became quite a ibuprofen junky. Knowing what this would do long term I was always researching and look for ways to help with my aliments naturally. Everything I have tried over the years was only provided temporary relief.

My Results

After arriving home from my trip I drank the Rain Soul for a week and noticed I had more energy and hadn’t had a migraine. Now intrigued by this products I was wondering what I might experience using it daily so I went to look for it on the internet and had a hard time finding it, come to find out later they were still in pre-launch here in the US.

I searched high and low and found a distributor to send me some. I tried to order but had trouble with the card processing on the site. He later contacted me and asked if I wanted 8 boxes and I explained I was just trying to order one, he said no problem and gave me a total price.

Since it was hard to find I asked him how expensive it was to become a distributor and he said $39.95 plus whatever product you want. I thought to myself I spend more than that on dinner when we go out. So joining for me was a no brainer.

I received my products and about 3 weeks into it noticed my knee and back were almost gone. I hadn’t felt this well in 10 plus years.

What was the company like?

I thought to myself what else can this product do for others? I knew the product was amazing but how about the company? So I traveled to the home office unannounced and was welcomed with open arms.

Everyone was pleased I was there and after meeting everyone I walked over to the corner of the office and noticed the CEO was in a meeting. There was an older gentlemen in the corner that said just knock on the door and walking Byron is always happy to meet our distributors.

Next thing I know we are in his office and he told us more about the story of Rain (click here to learn more)and offered to help us with training and grow the business. Next I toured the manufacturing plant and decided I liked everything I have seen and experienced and seen with this company and was super excited to help others and make this my full time career.

What is this product?

Click here to watch a quick video about our product

Conclusion, not the end

It’s been an amazing journey and it just keeps getting better! Weather you are looking to improve your health or looking to earn extra income I encourage you to try the product and reach out to me so I can help you feel and live the life you have always wanted.

For more information or to order product please visit my website

To enroll as a distributor click here

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