A Nurse Rain Soul Testimony
Rain Soul Testimony from a Nurse
These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! What do you call a nurse with a bad back? Unemployed. Here is my testimony as a nurse using Rain Soul.
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Testimony as a nurse
I don’t know how many of you watch the show “Nurse Jackie” but in the opening scene of the first episode Jackie (played by Edie Falco) is laying on the floor with a bottle of prescription pain pills. In a voiceover she says, “What do you call a nurse with a bad back?
UNEMPLOYEED,” I am a nurse and I have a herniated disk at L4 L5 and a bulging disk at L1. When I was first diagnosed I had a lot of sick days. My manager insisted I go to the pain center. The pain center doctor immediately started talking surgery, and writing me prescriptions for pain pills.
“Those are my choices”, I thought?
The meds were so strong that I fainted after getting out of the shower and hit my head on the sink. I had a gash in my head so that was a trip to the ER and a 4 day hospital stay to rule out cardiac and neuro problems.
I finally had to take a 12-week leave from work.
I had used all of my sick days so I was having to pay my employer for my benefits and had no income. I wore a back brace, rested, iced, heat, etc. until I could return to work. After returning to work I wore one of those therma care wraps for my 12 hour shift. I also used over the counter aleve, excedrin and ibuprofen. I did that for 4 years.
This past spring my doctor did bloodwork and was concerned about my liver panel. That’s when I started noticing how many over the counter meds I was taking per day. Then Shayna Cross started posting about weaning herself off her rheumatoid arthritis meds. I know how painful that is so I asked what she was taking.
I ordered some [SOUL]. Within 7 days (2 SOULS per day up to three on a busy day at work) I was pain free.
I became a distributor after a week.
As of 10/21/14 (90 days) I am still pain free and have not taken any over the counter meds. I use it topically on my face as a dermabrasion, my hair is growing in thicker and faster. I no longer get gel wraps, tips or shellac because my natural nails are healthy. My spider veins (which I used to get injected) are fading.
The ringing in my ears which I have had since I was 39 is 80% gone. I have an eye exam scheduled because I can no longer see the “floaters” in my eyes and I want it confirmed by a doctor. After 90 days I feel my mood is better and I feel younger mentally and physically. I have a sense of “wellness.”
It is hard to put into words, but it has changed my life. I’ll make another post about winning a bet with my doctor about cholesterol.”
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