Doctor To Doctor Rain Soul Testimony

Doctor To Doctor Rain Soul Testimony

Rain Soul Doctor to Doctor Testimony

Healthy people don’t notice their health unless they lose it. Only then run from doctor to doctor hoping to recover health. 

These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! 

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences. 

My Doctor to Doctor Testimony 


Healthy people don’t notice their health unless they lose it. Only then run from doctor to doctor hoping to recover health. 

More than ten years I was that person who was running from doctor to doctor.  
I had frequent anginas, that affected my joints and heart. As a result, I had arthritis, for three years pain didn’t leave me even for a day. I had a constant temperature, was often sick, always tired because of never stopping inflammation. So, I cured my heart at cardiologist, and joints at rheumatologist but all the treatment didn’t give ma good results. Bee’s bites and seaside helped to treat arthritis. 

All the treatment that I took before made not very pleasant impact on my health and I had problems with my vessels, I had high blood pressure and was very sensitive to weather changes. 

All the medications that I took during those years influenced my other organs that I went on treating. And I was like a squirrel in a wheel 

I felt that I can’t take any medications at all, that all that brings me more harm. Each autumn -winter- spring was like hell to me, constant viruses, inflammation, flu, sneezing, coughing. allergy… I spent so much money at the drugs store. And it was hard to believe anything could help me. My stomach was spoiled too. My skin was terrible, hair too. I was like a complete disaster. But deep inside I was hoping for a miracle to happen. 

At the end of November 2017 miracle happened-

I tried RAIN and felt its work on me from the very first day: I felt much energy, the next day I felt much more energy. After the first week of taking Rain I couldn’t believe it is me)) I was felt like a superhero, with superpowers. So, after 2,5 weeks I noticed that I don’t feel a headache when the weather changes. I stopped feeling depressed in winter. After 1,5 my hair stopped falling. I had fresh skin. Also, I stopped feeling pain in my stomach, my digestion was good, I didn’t have high blood pressure. And I forgot about buying medications, and I can’t explain how to feel about it. Since I take Bend, I feel better and better on my joints.  
I can speak about it more and more…  
Feeling happy for us to have such a blessing with such great products. Thank you everyone for doing this great mission of sharing RAIN to the world. 

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