How Rain Soul Healing Me

How Rain Soul Healing Me

Rain Soul Health Testimony

These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! The worst thing, however, were the chronic pains that accompanied every moment of my days and limited me very much, not only inefficiency at work but also during my free time. Read how Rain Soul healing me changed my life.

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.

My Free Radical Testimony

Hi everybody, my name is Elsbeth, I’m (nearly) 53 years young, I’m Dutch but I live in Italy since 1994. I’d like to share my personal experience with you. Rain Soul healing me changed my life.

I’ve lived for 25 years with serious back problems. The first few years I got blocked from time to time and the thing, though annoying and rather unnerving, was still bearable; however, the situation got worse and the time intervals between one “block” and another started getting shorter and shorter. Since 2008 the problem became really unbearable, in 2014 I got blocked even 7 times, stuck on the couch!

The worst thing, however, were the chronic pains that accompanied every moment of my days and limited me very much, not only in efficiency at work but also during my free time. During the last 2 years I took almost 1 package of anti-inflammatory drugs per week and, as you can imagine, after a while they were hardly effective anymore so the doctor wanted to prescribe pain therapy which I refused. 

This exhausting and debilitating physical state had obviously also consequences on the mental one: I slowly became a lunatic and grumpy person, ending up too often to negatively affect the loved ones around me.
After having tried dozens of remedies and having consulted as many specialists and pseudo-specialists, I booked a visit with a neurosurgeon, hoping to succeed at least this time to get rid of these pathological problems that affected me so much.

How I found out about Soul

One day, however, my sister called me from Holland, telling me that she would send me a box of Soul, she asked me to try to take this product and let her know how I felt. After only 4 days (1 sachet a day) I seat for 4 hours playing Risiko and I got up as if nothing had happened, as if all of a sudden I had returned a young girl!

Well … I can only tell you that since 2 years and 4 months I feel reborn and I face every day full of enthusiasm and a positive attitude that I thought I would no longer know. In fact, not only that unbearable back pain has almost disappeared, but the energy and vitality are aspects that never, never I would have thought, would come back to me. Of course, every now and then I have my bad day, like all of us on the other hand, as the various diseases that I have in my back have not miraculously disappeared, those remain, but at the same time it makes me realize how much I have been limited in recent years and how much I feel magnificently well now.

And may I add that also my allergies, my allergic asthma and my migraines have been reduced to 1%!!
I do not know how I can ever thank my sister and Rain who have really changed my life!
Obviously my appointment with the neurosurgeon was happily canceled

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