Rain International Distributor Phone App
Rain International Distributor Phone App
The Rain Connect Phone App is a great tool for Rain International distributors to use to expose people to their business. We use it every day on a global scale through WhatsApp and Facebook messenger. You can even sell samples across the globe and Rain pays the shipping!
Why is technology so important?
Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency, and relationships of a business. It also affects the security of confidential information and trade advantages.
Who has this technology?
Rain is the first to introduce such a state of the art app to use for your business. Whether you are looking to be a stay at home mom and work on nap time or are a full-time worker that wants to fit a side business into their life on break time this is the app for you.
Social Entrepreneurship
A new team to market Rain International is coining! Work on your laptop, tablet or phone but know the biz is taken care of!
Want to see for yourself?
Go to my Facebook below and message me “Social Entrepreneur” and I will show you how it is done!
For more information or to order product visit my website
To enroll as a distributor click here
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