Rain International in Mexico
Rain International in Mexico
How is Rain doing in Mexico?
As one of Rain Internationals newest market Mexico is the fastest growing market in Rain International. The challenges that are usually faced going into the market have been alleviated by having a support staff that can really step up and eliminates those problems! Such as out of stock situations, shipping problems, tax problems and more that some companies face when going into a new market.
In this video hear the COO of Rain International and the General manager of Mexico talk about the growth and the potential for Mexico!
Why Mexico?
33% of the people in the US are Spanish speaking. Many of those people have ties to Mexico. Because we are a global company we are in the position to provide a global opportunity. So you can grow your business n the US, Mexico and the other 45 countries we are in.
Advantages of a strong company
Because we have built the foundation, as a distributor of Rain International all you need to worry about is sharing the product and the opportunity. Rain Internationa has put the work in to ensure all the proper channels are followed.
Ran holds all the proper registrations. Shipping is solid and we do not have out of stock product issues. Rain is so solid they can get product thru customs in 24 hours. We have the connections!
We take care of people the right way! If you need help, we can provide 3-way calls, our material to share is in Spanish, we have the way to make it there!
Want to see for yourself?
Order your six-day sample pack of Rain Soul here
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