Rain Soul Autism Testimony
Rain Soul Autism Testimony
Here are some real life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Sons Testimony
I want to give an amazing testimony about my son Allan who is 11yrs and was autistic and non-verbal. I was introduced to rain soul 4months ago and started giving my son soul immediately.
1. My son used to be hyper but after giving soul 2satchets a day. His hyperness has gone completely and my son can now sit down settle and concentrate.
2. My son was bedwetting and especially in school because he is in a special boarding school. He stopped bedwetting after taking rain soul and the caregiver is very happy on that progress.
3. My son was non-verbal and soul also worked on the brain and he started speaking words. I went to visit him at school last week and the teacher told me he has noted a big change in my son. His speech is progressing, coordination in-class activities and mind concentration in what the teacher is teaching.
Now Allan is taking the fourth box of soul and the changes have seen soon the teacher told me he will go to the regular classes.Team, let’s embrace these rain products and transform other peoples health in the society the way my son has been transformed…
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5 thoughts on “Rain Soul Autism Testimony”
My son will be 30 Nov. 7th. We have been managing his autism since he was 3yrs old. He has recovered his speach though he cannot coordinate in wisdom as expected. He does not destroy things again and he mixes well. He is not doing well accedemically. Can rain soul help him further?
Rain Soul is a natural product so everyone has a different experience. There is a good chance it can help I would just recommend checking with his doctor to get a second opinion.
My son is 2 and he is non verbal, hyper and doesn’t respond very well when you talk to him. Someone recommended rain soul. I want to ask if it will work for him and what dosage should i give. He is 2 years and 2 months. Thank you
Yes he can take it. I would recommend 1/2 to one full packet.
The testimony was based on the original Soul not Soul Red.