Rain Soul Chemotherapy Testimony
Rain Soul Chemotherapy Testimony
I am convinced that my body had recovered faster and that I would have experienced fewer side effects if I had been able to use Soul and Core during my chemotherapy. These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Breast Cancer Testimony
Angela H
August 24, 2018
Hello I am Angela 59 years old and live in the Netherlands.
Six years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and received the whole package of treatments. Operation, radiotherapy, chemo- and hormone therapy. With all the consequences you can think of. I worked very hard on my body to get back into my energy. However, I did not reach my old level and after a day’s work I was extremely tired on the couch.
Just under two years ago, Rain came to my path and I am still grateful for that. I started with Soul and Core and noticed a very quick change in my energy, not so tired anymore and that continued. I now work full-time in the care sector, where I have energy for my family and grandchildren.
After two years I stopped the hormone therapy that was prescribed for five years, because I am confident that I take good care of my body with Rain and I have also changed my eating habits (Vegan food).
Rain belongs in my life and I will continue to use it. I am convinced that my body had recovered faster and that I would have experienced fewer side effects if I had been able to use Soul and Core during my chemotherapy. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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