Rain Soul Eye Health Testimony
Rain Soul Eye Health Testimony
Here are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!
Watch the video to hear how Rain Soul helped with this pastors eye health. Here how he wasn’t a believer and became a believer after only a few packets of Rain Soul!! We heard this great testimony in Port Harcourt Nigeria.
Not only did it help his eyesight but also recover from a night long of dancing!!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
How can Rain Soul help eyesight?
The simple answer. Grape Seed. It is because we use the entire seed cold-pressed. Not just extracted oils.
The healing properties of grape seeds — also called Vitis vinifera — can indeed improve vision and prevent eye disease.
The Long Answer
Grape seed extract is helpful to your vision and general eye health. First of all, let’s look at its chemical makeup. The active ingredient in grape seeds is oligomeric proanthocyanins or OPCs. OPCs, therefore, contain antioxidants and antihistamine properties. Grape seeds also contain vitamin E, flavonoids, and linolenic acid.
Grape seeds also contain vitamin E, flavonoids, and linolenic acid.
The anti-inflammatory agents in the OPCs in grape seed extract help stop the disease progression. In fact, grape seed extract’s healing properties aid in other vascular-related disorders.
What about worse cases?
Also, If you are at risk for macular degeneration, grape seed oil could contribute to the treatment or prevention.
Among the many preventive measures recommended for macular degeneration, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, are Omega-3 fatty acids.
One of these acids is the linolenic acid found in grape seed extract. When it comes to the natural treatment of an existing condition, several vitamins and minerals are recommended. Furthermore, but not limited to, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, zinc, and copper. Lastly, Grape seed extract contains vitamin E and other antioxidants.
A University of Colorado Denver study on grape seed reinforces this theory. It also explains that grape seed extract can be used in several diabetic complications. Hence, includes macular degeneration and poor night vision.
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