Rain Soul Fever Testimony
Rain Soul Fever Testimony
On the night of July 28, I had a high fever, I went to the emergency room hospital to check and recorded that it was infected with a virus and then come back home. These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Emergency Room Testimony
Trương T
August 6 at 9:15 PM
hi everyone. I would like to share my story about my fever.
On the night of July 28, I had a high fever, I went to the emergency room hospital to check and recorded that it was infected with a virus and then come back home.
Starting from that day, 4 days and nights I only has a fever of 39 degrees, then drops a little, then has a fever again, every day I just eat little porridge and hot lemon drink, panadol to reduce fever(I use this 3,4 times a day), these days I also drink soul 2,3 packs / day.
On the 4th day, according to the instructions of Dr. Dinh, I returned to the hospital, did a blood test, did not expect the result was I got dengue fever. At this time, the platelet index is very low: only 26 (marked by the doctor).
When Susie saw my test result, she said it was dangerous
She told me could not go anywhere because she was afraid I were fall and bleed and it would bleed without being able to stop it, and she asked me to drink soul twice a day, once every 5 packs of soul, totally 10 packs/day.
The first day, I used 4 souls in the morning, 4 Souls in the afternoon.on the second day, I took 5 packets in the morning, and 5 souls in the afternoon, on the third day I took 5 packs in the morning, 3 packs in the afternoon, On the fourth day, I got 1 pack because it was out of Soul.
Then on the 7th day, I did blood tests again, resulting in platelets increased to 216 units (up nearly 9 times the original).

My Health is at a safe level. People can see the result image for comparison. Susie saw the results, she did not believe it, so I would like to share my story to everyone, to make people more confident with our Soul.
Thanks Rain International
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