Rain Soul Fibromyalgia Testimony
Rain Soul Fibromyalgia Testimony
This is my story
Hello, my name is Mattie and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about fifteen years ago, although I believe I have had it most of my life. I’ve had the same symptoms but the intensity and the severity of the attacks increased as the years passed.
In 2012 I could no longer work. I did not sleep at night. The ambian, and Xanax no longer worked. I had stopped taking the Lyrica years prior and was switched to Cymbalta.
Earlier this year my muscle spasms and pain increased to the extent that I was taken off the Xanax and put on Valium as a muscle relaxer. I was to take four a day. This took the edge off the pain. But I still was not sleeping and too exhausted to do much.
What was I doing?
I looked for natural solutions in diets, herbs, vitamins, minerals, acupuncture, massages and chiropractic therapy, these helped but still there was the pain, and I still wasn’t sleeping.
About two months ago during a particularly bad flare up that took me to my knees. An email from Rain popped up in my inbox advertising Soul. It offered a six-day trail package. The idea of seeds being the essence of nutrition made sense to me so I ordered the trail.
Now the product is here
When the box of product arrived I immediately drank a package filled the pouch up twice with water and drank that also. That night I repeated the action and went to bed. I slept that night, I slept all that day. I woke took mid-day took the Soul and again before bed, I took another one. When I woke the next day I felt better, less achy.
All together I took five of the trail box of six.
Could it help others?
My granddaughter has severe asthma and a diseased right lung. When she gets pneumonia regularly and often times she ends up in Children’s Hospital. She was getting sick so I gave her the last three packets. She did not have to be admitted.
Mr. Easton called in the midst of all of this to see how it was working for me. I had already decided that I was going to get involved.
Mr. Easton called back a week or so later, I was in too much pain to talk to him so I asked if it would be okay if he would walk my husband through the sign-up process. I did not know which level my husband chose till several days later.
When my Soul arrived I took the Soul twice a day for two days the third day I stopped taking all prescription meds. I continued twice a day for a total of five days.
And then it was worse
I then decided to do an experiment: fast for three days taking only the soul three times a day and water. One of the Soul members suggested adding fruit which I did. That night I slept well and woke up before eleven. No headache I felt good.
My lower back felt a lot better although as the day wore on it became more agitated. I would drink another packet of Soul and rest. The second day I had more energy I had increased the Soul by one pack ( four packs a day) I felt so good that I along with a few household chores, I washed, conditioned and flat ironed my own hair, ( this is quite a feat because my hair is relatively long, and I am black so it takes a couple of hours to complete).
The next morning, the last day was not a good one. I had done too much too soon. My right shoulder was spasmatic. I took my four packs of Soul for that day. One of the Soul members advised me that it’s better to gradually stop meds if that is my goal to do instead of just stopping, I agree but I also think that it is better to take your time and rest while you are healing with the Soul.
The results
Today I am medication free, I am not in constant pain anymore. I still have my days, but they are a lot less severe. I am not only sleeping at night, I am completely rested when I wake. This morning I woke up at 9:20! For most of you that’s sleeping in but for me, it is a triumph. I am more alert, have more energy and the best thing of all, on Saturday I took three of my five granddaughters out for a girls day, we ate, we shopped, and went to the movies. I have not felt well enough to do that in over two years.
Soul Works! No one has to go through the extremes that I did to get results, you normally take a pack a day. I just wanted to feel better sooner. This is my fourth week of taking the Soul. My husband is now taking it also.
Want to see for yourself?
Order your six-day sample pack of Rain Soul here
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