Rain Soul Hand Pain Testimony
Rain Soul Hand Pain Testimony
Here are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! Read how a woman started using Rain Soul to help with her heart health and the Rain Soul hand pain testimony. from it and the other amazing results she did not expect!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
Pain on hand & numbness both arms:
“Hi, My name is D.G.I am 53 years old. I was introduced to the product called Soul over the computer and when I first saw the video I knew I had to be a part of this. I had some pings and pangs & numbness down both arms could not sleep on my sides for I would be in pain. For 6 months, I ignored it. When it became a severe pain in my right hand, affecting me from cutting hair, I went to a holistic doctor– he told me I had hearth issues.
Nothing I did got rid of the hand pain.
I took Soul and in five hrs the pain in my right hand was gone. In three days the pings and pangs in heart went away and I now can sleep on my sides (much more comfortable). I know my heart is healing NATURALLY.
My skin is tighter on my face wrinkles on forehead GONE but also my legs (less cellulite) are smoother. I have abundant energy and I had been needing 8-10 hrs of sleep a night… Not anymore… 5-7 is all I need to be well rested and ready for a full day.
I had a leaky gut syndrome that is gone.
I had a growth on the inside of my toe and it is almost gone. My nails are growing like crazy (never had that before)
The cells in my Body are so grateful for this AMAZING PRODUCT.
Thank you, GOD and Rain International for this extreme nutritional product.
I never want to be without my SOUL!” D.G.
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