Rain Soul Healthy Weight Testimony

Rain Soul Healthy Weight Testimony

Rain Soul Healthy Weight Testimony

The WEIGHT is over. Since young I have always desired good health and a healthy weight. These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.

My Weightloss Testimony

Aishah M. Abdullah

October 18, 2018

The WEIGHT is over 😌Since young I have always desired good health and a healthy weight. I worked hard on it but was a little thick (that I had to embrace). Here I stand 5 years ago, thinking that I had a hold on managing all of my plus sizeness not even knowing that tougher times were ahead.

At my highest weight, I was 280 lbs and my health suffered tremendously. Being rushed by ambulance twice, chronic calling into work because my body would not function properly when I would wake, wearing a size 22, always tired, short-winded, irregular heart beating (often), low self-esteem began to set in, and I began feeling miserable in my skin. That is when I cried out for help that I needed desperately.

Who heard me, who answered my cry, none other than my father. He gave me strength to take back my health, eat healthier, begin exercising again, and directed me to supplements that would be of great assistance.

I used Rain CORE for 30 days (twice a day) with healthier eating and loss 20 lbs. I am not ashamed to share my story because I know that there are many who have one of their own. You don’t have to suffer with failing health. Take back your life TODAY!!!

I am no longer 280 lbs and no longer feeling horrible all the time. I said YES to me and encourage you to do the same. My goal isn’t to be a size 2 but just have great health. Your health matters!!!

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