Rain Soul Leg Cramp Testimony
Rain Soul Leg Cramp Testimony
Here are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! Here how this problem was overcome! “For the past couple years I have had terrible leg cramps in the middle of the night that would awaken me and I would have to get out of bed and walk the floor trying to get my toes to straighten out and for the cramping to stop.”
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
Leg Cramps:
“For the past couple years I have had terrible leg cramps in the middle of the night that would awaken me and I would have to get out of bed and walk the floor trying to get my toes to straighten out and for the cramping to stop.
Now after taking Soul for only five days I am sleeping through the night. Also, no more cramping. I now awake rested and ready to go. Being ready to go in the past was prevented by a swollen right knee from arthritis which caused me to fear I was going to have to have knee replacement surgery like many of my friends. Now after taking Soul the swelling in that knee has gone done considerably and the soreness is almost gone. I am indeed ready to go. To go with increased energy, I now walk further.
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