Rain Soul Leukemia Testimony
Rain Soul Leukemia Testimony
Here are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul! Read below the amazing testimony of a 18th-month-old suffering from Leukemia. Here is the testimony of how Rain Soul helped thru the chemo treatments and more!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
1st Feb 2014 was a nightmare for my family when everyone was getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year but I’ve received a call from my sister in Melaka. She was weeping and told me that her 18months old daughter has Leukemia. She said they cannot come home this New Year because baby Siew Siew must start on Chemo treatment asap. During that anxious moment, I can only pray and trust God!
I’m so thankful for an angel, Rachel started to broadcast about my niece’s situation to her company downline and I was so surprise by the many volunteers willing to contribute this Nutrition drink called Soul for my niece. During the time when baby Siew Siew was on her Chemo treatment, we also gave her the drink Soul. After a few weeks, I was amazed that baby has no side effect while other kids in the same ward who went through the Chemo treatment appears weak, shows no energy and don’t have appetites. Unlike other kids, my niece was still extremely active, and she can dance until her bed was shaking. She could sing and clap!!
Today 8th May 2014
Joyful day for me!! After three months, we finally heard this great news from doctor’s report; her bone morrow has come back to normal, blast was only 1% and there is no need to eat the meduce capsule daily anymore. She only need to come back to the hospital monthly for body check up. This coming Sunday will be her Final Chemo treatment!
Indeed God is our Healer and thanks God for her speedy recovery. Praise the Lord!!
Thank God for this Amazing product Soul from Rain company. I can not wait to share this good news and hope it will help more sick people. God Bless!
June H
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