Rain Soul Love Soul Testimony

Rain Soul Love Soul Testimony

Rain Soul Love Soul Testimony

Here are some real life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!

Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.

I love SOUL….

I had been drinking Soul for only a couple of days when my knee pain left I twisted my knee a couple of years ago and limped for over a year… I did start walking better but when I sat for any length of time (over 15-20 minutes or so) or took even a short car ride, I would have to stand up & still for a minute or so for my knee & hip to “warm up”…

I no longer need to “warm up” before walking and it has also become so much easier to walk up stairs! I am amazed!!!! ALSO, I started noticing a hearing loss 15-20 or so years ago.

I have seen 3 ENT specialist, each has told me I have a very unusual hearing loss, one even wanted to do surgery to see what was going on (no thanks).

About 6 months ago I read an article saying some hearing loss can be due to nutrition, I started eating a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds daily and did see (hear) an improvement…

but now that I am drinking SOUL I noticed last night that I can hear the blinker in my car! I can hear the BLINKER! It does not sound like much but it has been so long since I have heard one that I am pretty darn EXCITED!!!! I LOVE SOUL!!!!

I feel very blessed to have found Rain International and to be apart of this team! Everyone is so nice!!!


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Order your six-day sample pack of Rain Soul here

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