Rain Soul Pregnant Testimony
Rain Soul Pregnant Testimony
While this was going on, surprise, I find out I am pregnant. When I was cleared from my obstetrician, I saw a neurologist for a workup and was finally diagnosed with migraine. These are some real-life people telling us of their experience with Rain Soul!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Pre-Natel Testimony
September 4, 2018
This is my testimony about Soul. I’m a 42-year-old healthy mom, wife and have a busy career as a nurse. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat clean.
Last summer I began having headaches and nausea. Initially, these symptoms were vague and would come and go. These symptoms continued for several weeks and I started having noticeable dizziness which I realized was triggering my nausea.
Thinking these symptoms were some sort of sinus issue and would resolve, I did not seek medical attention.
After my symptoms continued, almost daily, for several months I had to find out what was going on. I was initially seen by an ENT. Sinus/inner ear issues were ruled out. I was then referred to a neurologist for a workup for migraines.
While this was going on, surprise, I find out I am pregnant. When I was cleared from my obstetrician, I saw a neurologist for a workup and was finally diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo (vestibular migraine)around my 12th week of pregnancy.
Unfortunately, due to my pregnancy, prescription medications that are normally prescribed were not an option.
I continued to have symptoms daily.
Feeling as if I had a “permanent hangover” I felt hopeless and thought I would continue to feel like this my entire pregnancy. I had to look for another option. Rain products were introduced to me.
After doing some research on the product and knowing it was safe to take during my pregnancy, I started Soul.
After about 3 days I noticed my symptoms had improved. Within a week my symptoms had resolved. I was in disbelief that this product could help that quickly.
If anyone is wondering about the placebo effect, as that thought crossed my mind (maybe I was just being a crazy pregnant lady😊), I ran out of my supply of Soul about 2 months after starting it. I was out for about 3 days when I developed a recurrence of my symptoms. I reordered and resumed my Soul as soon as possible. Within a few days, my symptoms were gone again.
Besides completely resolving my migraines, I generally felt better and my energy level, even during pregnancy, improved. Soul gave me back my quality of life without having to resort to prescription medications. I will never go without my Soul again!
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