Rain Soul Testimonies

Rain Soul Testimonies

Rain Soul Testimonies

Rain Soul Varicose Veins

“Rain Soul is Amazing. We have had 7 team members report a reduction in their varicose veins after taking just a few servings. We have 2 members able to move arthritic joints without pain after just 2 servings.
This product is a winner. My wife, Cathy”s results are amazing – notice the before and after of her foot.The blue veins are gone and the skin is a healthy pink. This is after a week of SOUL.” Dwight

Rain Soul Bone Spurs

Ms. Mimi from Malaysia. Suffered from slipped disc since April 2008. She stated:
I have done MRI of the cervical spine and is found as below: – Generalized disc bulges are seen at C4/5, C5/6, and C6/7. A left paracentral disc extrusion has seen C5/6, The cord is compressed at C5/6.

Due to slipped disc at cervical spine area C5/6 and it caused me almost paralysation during the critical days and even a sneezed caused me admitted hospital due to the cord compressed and nerve inflammation. I was spending more than RM30k for admission, check up, physiotherapy and chiropractic, but the treatment was forever and never ending. And this continuously for 5 years.

Thank God I met Erane as she introduced me RAIN SOUL. After 2 weeks, I saw 50% improvement and I felt it was amazing and awesome. And now I am still taking it as a daily supplement and monitoring my situation. Indeed, after 2 months, I feel great and healthy.

Rain Soul – Just In… Another AMAZING SOUL Testimonial

” My husband injured his playing football in HS. Had surgery to repair the torn ACL. Fast forward 30 years. Age, jobs that required a lot of squatting, climbing in and out of trucks and heavy lifting (he was a diesel mechanic and then dump truck driver).

I heard on a constant basis, “my damn knee is about to fall off”. He just learned to deal with the pain, stiffness, inflammation, etc.
In the meantime, I joined Rain International in October and pick him to be on of my “voluntary” testers along with myself, my mom and his parents.

Without going on and on with the results and sounding like some hyped-up crazy infomercial you see at 3 am, that after only 3 days, he had ZERO pain in his knee. Zip, nada, none!

He also had torn his rotator cuff while pitching in a softball game and then again several years later when he slipped on the ice trying to help someone that got stuck in our yard. Decided to not have surgery, and again being the tough guy, just learned to live with it.

However, as a result of the injury, he wasn’t able to raise his arms above his head.
Same story, 3-4 days later, he is able to raise both arms above his head and swing them around with full range of motion.
Needless to say, we are believers. ” Lafonda

Rain Soul and Weight Loss

Hope “My mom, Carol, has had severe thyroid issues which makes a person gain weight and almost impossible to lose any of it. After less than 2 months of her taking Rain Soul, she has lost a total of 19 pounds! Just wanted to share the great news and encourage anyone and everyone that Rain Soul has amazing powers. “

Want to see for yourself?

Order your six-day sample pack of Rain Soul here

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