Why I Love Rain Soul
Why Rain Soul is Awesome
These are some real-life people telling us of their experiences on Why I love Rain Soul!
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Rain International is not responsible for any of these testimonies. These testimonies are not the opinion of Rain International, but people’s personal experiences.
My Rain Soul Testimony
Here are some of my MRI results showing before and after taking two soul and two core daily for three months.(March 24th to June 23rd) I also had a lot of prayers and positivity and fabulous friends and family! I hope it helps many more!! Paying it forward is very important
to me!
Why I love Rain Soul and Revri together
Hello dear all! Finally, I can report on my psoriasis! I still can not believe it! I have been using Revri since 7.11.2016, especially for my leg! The 1st picture is from 7.11.2016, then 2nd from 24.11.2016 and the 3rd from 3.12.2016! I still can not believe that after 8 years it is finally gone!
Why Olga loves Rain Soul
My name is Olga.
I’m using Rain Soul and Core about one year and a half. I got a lot of positive results. I could not imagine that I would be such a healthy and happy person.
In spite of my age (I was 26 when I started) I had very large problems in a woman’s health (dysplasia, anabiosis, ovaritis, fallopian tube fluid collection) also I had the adenoid disease since I was 10, low blood pressure, pain in my knees and spine.
So now I do not have any of these problems. Now I see how regenerates my vasculature.
I do not waste money on medicine and do not visit hospitals.
I’m really happy because I have a lot of time and power for sport, self-study and help other people get healthier.
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